xx network
Case Study

About xx network:

xx network is a blockchain-based network focussing on security and privacy. The platform combines a highly scalable, quantum-resistant consensus mechanism with revolutionary mixing technology that enables the private exchange of information and assets. This serves to future-proof the xx network – and all decentralized applications (dApps) associated with it.


So is the xx messenger: The network’s first app encrypts communication between interlocutors and disguises meta-data. It is not for nothing that the technology portal CHIP.de has dubbed xx messenger the “world’s most secure messenger.”


The xx-network is a blockchain-based network that promises security against quantum attacks. How do you explain this technical, in-depth topic to a broad audience?


Creating a high level of awareness among crypto-enthusiasts and educating the general public about blockchain, privacy, and quantum security.


David Chaum, the creator, is sought after as an expert in the media. He writes technical guides in relevant verticals. Mr. Chaum is a popular speaker at various conferences.
“Super Computer vs. Messenger” (ARD TechTalk)
“Even quantum computers can’t crack it: This is the world’s most secure messenger” (CHIP.de)
“Cypherpunks: Of anarchists and utopians behind cryptocurrencies” (heise.de).

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